1 to 1 Personalized Chakra Healing Session with Pallavi Kambo

Our sessions are designed to address your specific needs and goals, providing you with a tailored approach to balancing and aligning your energy centers.


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What are Chakras?

Chakras are the energy centers within the body that play a vital role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are seven main chakras, each associated with specific aspects of our being, from our sense of security and creativity to our ability to communicate and connect with others.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to assess if your chakras may be blocked

  • How do I feel physically in different parts of my body? Are there any recurring pains or discomforts?
  • Do I experience any chronic health issues or ailments related to specific chakra locations?
  • How do I feel emotionally? Do I struggle with certain emotions or find it challenging to express myself authentically?
  • Am I experiencing any patterns of behavior or thought that seem stuck or repetitive?
  • Do I feel a lack of energy or vitality in certain aspects of my life?
  • How is my overall sense of well-being and inner balance?
  • Have I experienced any recent traumatic events or significant life changes that could affect my energy flow?
  • Do I feel connected to my intuition and higher self, or do I feel disconnected and out of alignment?
  • Are there any recurring themes or issues in my relationships or personal development that I find challenging to overcome?
  • Do I have difficulty manifesting my goals or desires in life?
  • Reflecting on these questions can provide insight into potential blockages within your chakra system and guide you toward practices or therapies to restore balance and harmony.

Who can face Chakra Blockage Problems?

Chakra blockage problems can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. People who experience high levels of stress, trauma, or emotional turmoil may be more susceptible to chakra imbalances. Additionally, individuals with unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as poor diet, lack of exercise, or excessive substance use, may also face challenges with their chakras. However, it’s important to note that anyone can experience chakra blockages, even those who lead relatively healthy and balanced lives. The key is to cultivate self-awareness and engage in practices that support the harmonious flow of energy throughout the chakra system, such as meditation, yoga, energy healing, and self-care.

About the Sessions

Our personalized chakra healing sessions offer a unique opportunity to delve into the world of chakra balancing with the guidance of Pallavi Kambo. Whether you’re seeking relief from stress and anxiety, looking to enhance your creativity, or aiming to deepen your spiritual connection, our sessions can be tailored to meet your individual needs.

What to Expect

During your personalized session, you’ll have the chance to:

Assessment: Pallavi will conduct an assessment to identify any imbalances or blockages within your chakra system.
Customized Healing: Based on the assessment results and your specific goals, we’ll create a personalized healing plan that may include a combination of energy healing techniques, guided meditations, breathwork, and more.
Guidance and Support: Throughout the session, Pallavi will provide guidance and support to help you navigate your healing journey and empower you to take an active role in your well-being.
Integration: We’ll conclude the session with a discussion on practical tools and techniques you can incorporate into your daily life to maintain balance and alignment beyond the session.

Session Details

Duration: Each session typically lasts between 45 minutes to 60 minutes.
Format: Sessions can be conducted in-person or virtually, offering flexibility and accessibility.
Facilitators: Pallavi is certified energy healer with extensive experience in chakra healing and a commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for your healing journey.
How to Book:
Click on the button “Book the call” and after making the purchase you’ll be able to fill the form after which our team will contact you shortly.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation with our personalized chakra healing sessions. Restore balance, harmony, and vitality to your mind, body, and spirit today!


Pallavi Pandey Kambo

🎓 NLP Super Coach
🎓 Certified Practitioner and Master Practitioner
🎓 Certified Chakra Healer
🎓 Mindset Coach

As Pallavi Kambo, a mindset coach, certified chakra healer, author, speaker, and entrepreneur, my mission is to empower clients to live their lives to the fullest potential. Through a holistic approach that combines mindset coaching, energy healing, and personal development strategies, I guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment. By helping clients cultivate awareness, shift limiting beliefs, and align with their true essence, I support them in overcoming obstacles, realizing their goals, and creating a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Through my coaching programs, workshops, speaking engagements, and written works, I inspire and motivate others to unlock their inner wisdom, tap into their innate strengths, and embrace the limitless possibilities that await them on their path to personal growth and success.